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Research Areas

research areas

Dr. Yo-Yi HUANGDr. Duu-Hwa LEEDr. Man-Ser JANDr. Ching-Fu CHANGDr. Yao-Jen HSIAO

Research Activities

Research efforts in the Institute have focused on the applied analysis of economic problems, management and policy, fishery industry and marketing and international trade issues of concerns to Taiwan. The purpose of management and policy study is to provide data and information to help administrators formulate programs leading to rational management policy and optimum use of resources as well as the development of a viable industry. Research activities for the industry include evaluation of the investment projects and international cooperation and joint ventures. In addition, the Institute has engaged in various marketing research projects such as the analysis of marketing channels, seafood price analysis, market structure of demand and supply, and forecasting of seafood products consumption. Facing with the pressure of globalization and trade liberalization, a series studies concerning the impacts of joining the WTO (World Trade Organization) and APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) have been conducted and completed in recent years. The strong commitment to research is manifested by the impressive number of cooperative research grants awarded by government agencies to Institute receives and by the publication of many scholarly works undertaken in the Institute.

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